Saturday, February 13, 2016

Walking War Robots: Iron Wolves

This is a re-post of my first WWR story, that I shared in my other blog. I took a break from writing stories to create a back story to explain current events in the game as well as in "Iron Wolves" and future stories. I needed it to be able to develop a broader story than just this.  I intend to write my next story featuring one of WWR's top clans and in it, start developing one of the three factions referred to at the end of my pre-history, posted earlier. Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have already completed and as always feedback and suggestions are appreciated and enjoyed.

If you are unfamiliar with the game, a quick gander here will clue you in.

Iron Wolves

Captain Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov, or “Cyclops” glanced around the cramped crew compartment of his Golem war ‘bot to make sure everything in it was strapped down. Earth's atmosphere was always turbulent during insertions. The last thing he needed was to lose his one remaining eye because his driver had left a wrench unsecured.

Satisfied, he keyed his mic, "Valkyrie One this is Iron Wolf One, my units are ready and standing by."
gave an abrupt nod to his driver, Vladimir, who watched him, while silently biting his mouth guard.

A burst of static preceded the drop ship's acknowledgment. "Iron Wolf One, this is Valkyrie One, I copy Iron Wolf element standing by. Departing in five. Four…”
slipped his mouth guard in place as the count down reached one. The Golem's whole chassis vibrated and then lurched slamming him into his seat as the drop ship carrying his squad of three Golem war 'bots broke through the carrier bay's magnetic field.
As rough as departure was it was mild compared to landings.

"Iron Wolf and Reaper elements this is Valkyrie One, we are away and fifteen minutes to insertion,” the drop ship’s pilot informed the two squads that comprised his cargo of one way passengers.
waited for Reaper One to respond before acknowledging the transmission and then relayed their timeline to his other two 'bot's pilots. Of course they already knew how long of a flight this would be, but a few radio transmissions gave the crews something to do other than think about the spray of Molot fire that would be waiting for them.

Both of
Kuznetsov ‘s other Golem crews were capable veterans and he was confident they would keep their cool and do what was needed when the shooting started. He couldn't say the same for the Reaper squad. Truthfully, they weren't even a squad, but a group of random individuals. Although each of them claimed to have participated in several previous missions for the government of New Kiev, Kuznetsov
and his crew had never heard of them.

Reaper squad were freelancers, and professional 'bot pilots like Captain
Kuznetsov never trusted freelancers. They were sloppy, undisciplined and unreliable. While Kuznetsov
and his men fought for the future of their clan's colony and hopefully one day for a home back on earth, the freelancers, only fought battles that would make them a profit.

The government of New Kiev paid mercenaries in gold, silver and other precious metals that were sure to be tradable on the lunar market. That was better than most of the other lunar cities who promised only food or future citizenship in yet to be established colonies on earth.

Even though he would have greatly preferred to have loyal Kievans with him waiting in the belly of Valkyrie One,
was glad to have anyone help out in a fight. With Earth's radiation subsiding to a more manageable level over the last decade increasing numbers of Lunar and Martian colonial salvage teams and raiding parties had been competing for Earth's lost troves of stockpiled weapons and abandoned industrial equipment. Currently they were headed for a pre-radiation military compound where a large number of bot chassis and weapons had been located. The fact that they were found by some one else first didn't matter to New Kiev’s leadership. The colonial lunar government of New Kiev had hired every mercenary readily available and combined them with their own forces to try and seize control of the valuable hardware.

While Iron Wolf squad consisted of three Golems Reaper squad consisted of two Cossacks each with a single pilot and the two man crew of a Patton, piloted by Reaper One. Hopefully Reaper One's Patton would be useful with its four AC Molot auto rifles.
Kuznetsov’s briefing to the platoon while still on the carrier had explained his intentions to both squads. Reaper One was to advance from the drop zone with the three Iron Wolf Golems.  Reaper Two and Three, with their much faster Cossacks, were to flank to the west and obtain positions that would allow them to fire on any enemy attempting to close with the Golems and reaper one. Hopefully being engaged by Reaper One's longer range molots would keep the adversary occupied long enough for the Cossacks to begin sewing confusion. By the time the enemy decided to deal with the Cossacks it would be to late to engage them without receiving withering weapons fire from the Golem's chain guns, commonly called "Punishers" and ECC Thunder heavy canons. Just in case the enemy ignored the Cossacks altogether, Kuznetsov
had replaced his Thunder with an Ancile shield generator for this mission. It could absorb enough damage to protect his squad and Reaper One long enough to bring down one or two adversaries if they concentrated their weapons fire. After that they would likely be at a considerable numerical advantage and able to quickly overpower remaining adversaries.

The Intel officer had presented scans indicating at least six enemy bots at the target location but it was possible that there were about double that.
had wanted to initiate the assault with a larger force but the drop zone was only large enough for one drop ship at a time. Valkyrie Two and Three would have to wait for Iron Wolf and Reaper squads to clear the area before inserting the follow on squads they carried. Waiting for those squads to assault was out of the question. Waiting would only give the enemy more time to organize themselves. Besides, he reassured himself, the enemy were likely to only have a few ‘bots powered up by the time his Golem's feet slammed into the snow. If everything went well they could win this thing before the enemy was able to commit all of his ‘bots.

The sudden turbulence of earth's atmosphere broke
Kuznetsov away from his mental rehearsal. It wouldn't be long now. His headset crackled as Valkyrie One transmitted it’s notice, "Inserting in five minutes." Kuznetsov
acknowledged," insertion in five minutes." He switched to his platoon talk group. "Iron Wolf and Reaper units, five minutes to insertion."

The others each acknowledged his transmission as the turbulence worsened. His helmet bounced off of his head rest before his whole body was thrown forward against the seats harness.
Kuznetsov gripped the edge of his seat and was slammed backwards as the drop ship smashed through varying atmospheric pressures like a sledgehammer. Insertions always made him pray for the fighting to start. Kuznetsov
glanced over at Vladimir, but the big man had his eyes closed and was holding an amulet that he kept around his neck. He left Vladimir to his prayer, and forced himself to check his gauges again.

It seemed like an eternity before Valkyrie One gave the one minute warning.
Kuznetsov was relieved that the insane descent was almost over. To his left Vladimir flipped a switch that activated their scanners, not that they were worth much with the radiations interference. Just the same, they helped give an idea of where the enemy was. "Scanners active, and shields stable," Vladimir reported. Kuznetsov
placed his hand on the weapon's safety switch ready to flip it off as soon as Valkyrie One released them.

"Thirty seconds," Valkyrie One’s pilot came across their headsets again.
Kuznetsov clenched his teeth down on the mouth guard, and waited for the gut wrenching deceleration. Before a drop ship could release its ‘bots it had to come to a near stop. In a matter of just ten seconds they would slow from about five hundred kilometers an hour to a hover at about one hundred meters above the drop zone. Kuznetsov
felt the sensation of growing suddenly heavier. It was painful, his vision blurred and he wanted to throw up but the g-forces made it impossible. All around him the hull of Valkyrie One shook and rattled and groaned as it's reversing thrusters stressed its hull close to the breaking point.

And just like that it was over. Valkyrie One was in his ears again giving the final count down, while the pilot double checked her positioning. "Five, four, three, two, one, Away!"
opened his eyes. The bay doors were open, flooding the drop ship's narrow bay with light. He flipped the safety switch at the same time that Valkyrie One's load master released the magnetic tether. The drop ship's hull disappeared from his vision and he felt weightless again.

As he fell
scanned the terrain around the drop zone. Through his view screen he could see the remains of a military base half buried under decades worth of snow and ice. War ‘bot hangars were built close together across a partially damaged bridge that connected the two major sections of the base. There must have been a river when the base was built but it was evaporated or turned to solid ice since, and the space under the double laned bridge looked easily traversable. There was a platform between the bridge’s two lanes that could provide some cover while crossing the low ground.

Suddenly Kuznetsov’s view  of the bridge was obscured by other structures as his Golem slammed into the frozen drop zone. A spray of ice and dirt shot up around the ‘bots momentarily blinding them. He could see red arrows appearing on his heads up display (HUD) indicating that the reactors of enemy war 'bot's were being fired up somewhere across the bridge. Kuznetsov glanced left and right to check that his platoon had landed safely. Blue arrows lined the peripheral space of his view screen. The arrow labeled "Reaper 3" suddenly shot straight up in the air before disappearing from the HUD.

"Damn it,"
thought spitting out his mouth guard and keying up his platoon channel. "Reaper One, this is Iron Wolf One, Reaper Three is down."

Vladimir already had their Golem moving forward before Reaper One responded.

There was a moment of hesitation and static before Reaper One's acknowledgement, "roger."

One of the problems with hiring freelancers or mercenaries is that most of them do all of their own maintenance. It wasn't uncommon, especially for Cossack models, to have electrical problems and the more patching together a bot had in place of an actual maintenance schedule the more chance there was of malfunctions. Something had caused Reaper Three's crew compartment to eject on impact and the chassis now lay limp and lifeless in the drop zone. If he was lucky the pilot hadn't slammed into the belly of the drop ship that may have still been overhead. If he hadn't then a recovery ship would be headed to pick up the disgraced pilot.

With Iron Wolf Two on his left and Three on his right, Vladimir steered Iron Wolf One forward toward a ramp that descended to the low ground. The squad of three Golems would advance under the limited cover available until their weapons were in range. The HUD showed the nearest enemy at just over a kilometer away. That meant that they needed to close over five hundred meters before they could put effective fire on the enemy. If the defending 'bots had long range weapons that could make it a long walk.

As they reached the low ground Iron Wolf Two and Three moved into a tight wedge with
’s 'bot. They were close enough that the shield generator on Iron Wolf One would envelop them as well and help them avoid damage while closing the distance.

The first enemies came into view. Three Cossacks, marked with red arrows by the HUD, jumped from a low wall that supported a giant inoperable gun battery. The turrets power had long ago been depleted and its mechanisms seized up with two centuries worth of ice. The Cossacks were moving toward the platform centered in the open ground, a move that could deny the cover it provided to
squad, as well as delay their advance while the enemy’s heavier, slower 'bots did their best to get into the fight.

Reaper One broke to the right, staying along the raised wall that comprised the edge of the drop zone. The Patton fired all four AC Molots on the first Cossack as it raced for the center. A barrage of the Molot 25mm rounds tore through the Cossack’s light armor and almost instantly disabled its jump system. It attempted to move behind a ramp to the central platform for protection but continued fire from Reaper One disabled it's legs and it limped helplessly for a moment before the auto ejection system launched the small crew compartment upwards and out of sight.

"Shift left,"
Kuznetsov ordered over his squad channel.

“Reaper One, continue your current course and provide cover fire from that bridge on the right,” Kuznetsov was glad to have the quad Molots suppressing the Cossacks, even if they belonged to a freelancer.

The other two Golem's stayed in formation as the squad moved left around the platform to engage the other Cossacks. Reaper One's swift destruction of the first Cossack had caused the remaining two to try and position the platform between themselves and Reaper One. They did not count on the three Golem's changing their course.

"Left one first," Captain
ordered his other two crews.

Cossacks weren't a serious threat but it was good practice to always take down one target at a time as a squad, rather than each crew firing at the first thing they saw. Two damaged adversaries were still more dangerous than one in perfect condition. Not that either of these two would be around long.

All three Iron Wolf Golems faced the Cossack farthest toward their left.
saw the targeting system lock the same moment that Vladimir engaged. The rapid spray of rounds from the Punishers looked like a flood of water bursting from a broken pipe. The torrent of rounds shredded the Cossack as it tried to jump away.

Thanks to the targeting system’s auto tracking only a minimal adjustment was needed to keep rounds on target. A second burst from the squads two Thunder cannons sent the Cossack's carcass crashing to the snow covered ground.

The remaining Cossack returned fire, but his rounds vaporized against Iron Wolf One’s energy shield.
Kuznetsov’s view screen glowed blue as the shield weakened slightly, expending some of its energy to intercept the incoming fire. Kuznetsov
checked the other hostiles on the HUD. They were close now, about five hundred meters but still out of sight.

The last enemy Cossack escaped the worst of the Golems’ return fire and ducked under the platform just out of the line of fire for either Reaper One or the Iron Wolf squad. It would only take a few moments until they could bring their weapons to bear on it. It was trapped.

Checking the HUD again
Kuznetsov saw that Reaper Two had moved up a significant distance on the left flank. The mercenary was in a position to see the other hostiles. Suddenly, the Cossack made a sharp change of course and leapt beneath the bridge just as the bone jarring concussion of two heavy rounds split through the air and impacted against the structure he had been near. Even at this distance Kuznetsov
could feel the unmistakable shock wave of the Kang Dae cannons.

"Two Natashas," Reaper Two blurted out across the net as he landed, unscathed, under the bridge.
Kuznetsov checked their shield's status. It was at ninety two percent and recovering. If both Natashas were equipped with Kang Dae cannons that would allow them shield protection for one full volley from each of them before they started taking hull damage. Kuznetsov
needed to take one down quick, but they were still behind cover and more red arrows on the HUD indicated more 'bots powering up.

Another burst of Molot fire from Reaper One on his right told
that the Patton's pilot had at least one of the Natashas in his sights. The trapped Cossack pilot must have thought that he was the target and panicked, because he sprinted out in front of the Golems who were still positioning to put fire on him. Iron Wolf Three picked it up immediately and the first burst from his Thunder cannon at close range ripped the enemy Cossack’s side mounted Punisher off. Vladimir swung their own turret to bear and pulled the master trigger that linked the fire of both their light and medium Punishers. The enemy's crew compartment ejected like a rocket into the air. From the beating he had just taken the pilot was probably torn to pieces inside of it though.

"Reaper One Reloading," came the Patton’s update. The Molot was a great weapon but could have used a larger magazine capacity.

"Reaper One, Iron Wolf One, relocate to this  platform to cover our advance. Break. Reaper Two, you’re with me."
didn't want either of the Reaper ‘bots exposed and on their own. They'd be pounded to pieces by those Natashas. At least on the platform Reaper One could take cover and still have a good firing position to support their advance.  Reaper Two could add his firepower to strike against the Natashas and use the Golems as cover.

Reaper Two's Cossack leapt from under the bridge towards Kuznetsov’s position. At the same moment a Vityaz type bot stepped out from cover onto the bridge, launching a barrage of rockets down at Iron Wolf Two. The rapid multiple impacts shook the ground and the HUD’s sensors momentarily faded in the bright explosions.

"High left!"
called out on the platoon net.

Three Golem's swung their turrets around to return fire. Kuznetsov noticed Reaper Two's skill when he reversed his turret, mid air and engaged the Vityaz with his R40M Orkan rockets. The first few impacted on its hull as it retreated back behind cover to reload. The rest of the rockets and a hail of punisher rounds dug into the concrete and steel structure that it dipped behind.

Iron Wolf One’s shield had absorbed the impact, preventing damage to Iron Wolf Two, but it’s strength was now down to twenty eight percent. The Golems needed to close the rest of the distance and put fire on those Natashas, but to do that it meant to move deeper into the kill zone of the Vityaz waiting just out of sight.

"Covering," Reaper One came across the radio indicating that he was reloaded and in position.

"If he pops out at all, light him up,"
forgot his typical radio etiquette. He meant that for Reaper One but wouldn't complain if any of the others threw something at the Vityaz if it stuck its nose out again.

They were almost passed the platform’s far side when the first Natasha appeared on the hill straight ahead of them. It's pilot didn't rush and used the 'bots slow speed as an opportunity to check his targets out before engaging. It's first barrage ripped through the air and slammed into Reaper One's Patton. The impact crumpled one of its Molots as well as a portion of its outer hull. The Patton had come out from cover to better engage the Vityaz when it reappeared. The Natashas gunner had capitalized on a fully exposed target.

Reaper One scrambled back out of harms way just as the Vityaz appeared again. More rockets reigned down from the bridge, overpowering the shield's remaining strength and ripping off several layers of armor on Iron Wolf Two. Reaper One, had made an obvious mistake. After first overexposing himself he had then withdrawn after being hit, when he should have realized that despite having taken damage, both his exposed adversaries were now themselves vulnerable while they reloaded.

Kuznetsov yelled as Vladimir turned away from the still partially obscured Natasha back to the Vityaz. This time Vladimir, as well as Iron Wolf Two and Reaper Two were able to get full affect on target. The massive sustained barrage of weapons fire damaged the Vityaz’s legs and the normally quick 'bot was stranded in the open. It soaked up more and more damage, was smoking and small pieces of armor were continuously chipped off under the torrent of lead and depleted uranium rounds. It must have been about to trip its auto ejector, but both the Golems and Cossack were suddenly out of ammunition. The snow covered ruins were silent except for the lingering echo of weapons fire.

From behind them on the platform Reaper One had collected himself and let out a short burst of rounds from his three remaining Molots. That was all it took to send the Vityaz's crew compartment up in a trail of black smoke.

A barrage from the second Natasha ripped through Reaper One's reactor and sent him and his driver off in the same manner. Meanwhile Iron Wolf Three was putting fire on the first Natasha.

"All units engage as one!"
didn't know he was yelling over the radio.

Vladimir brought their turret back to the first Natasha just as the HUD displayed it's good news in red letters. "RELOAD COMPLETE," Vladimir didn't hesitate, but began to pour rounds into the behemoth on the hill. The others engaged as they marched en masse up the hill sending everything they had ahead of them.

The first Natasha had reloaded and new exactly where to send its rounds. The pair of heavy cannons belched fire and flung their projectiles into
Kuznetsov’s Golem ripping off his shield generator before it could regenerate its protective field. The impact jerked Kuznetsov
and Vladimir back in their seats. Vladimir recovered quickly and continued firing.

The roar of incoming Spiral missiles made
Kuznetsov grab onto his chair. He was anticipating the sudden launch several kilometers into the air. The missile's impact came and battered him and Vladimir until they couldn't see, but they didn't eject. They had lost their light Punisher in addition to the Ancile unit. Vision returned and they could see the crumpled remains of a Natasha in front of them. Kuznetsov
couldn't hear and time seemed to stand still. There was a Golem standing in front of his 'bot, absorbing secondary weapons fire. The rounds, from the second Natasha’s Molots were intended for the weakened Iron Wolf One. He checked his structural integrity sensors. His hull was only at eleven percent integrity, mobility was at sixty eight percent.

They weren't done yet.
Kuznetsov checked the HUD. The second Natasha was still reloading and had reversed attempting to get  behind cover. Kuznetsov ‘s other Golems had shifted fire onto it while moving to protect him with their own hulls. From behind him Kuznetsov felt the boost of a jump drive as Reaper Two jumped over the Golems to get into range with his rockets. He launched his salvo before landing in front of them. One final shotgun like blast from a Thunder cannon finished it off and the Natasha seemed to stand briefly before slumping into an awkward looking sitting position while it’s crew arced heavenward. Kuznetsov
laughed and his hands shook as he checked his sensors for the source of the missiles that had all but finished off his Golem. Three more red arrows on the HUD indicated more enemy ‘bots had come online just beyond a large structure that overlooked the bridge. He scanned his own forces with his one eye. The other Golems looked rough but in much better shape than he was.

"Shit," he thought to himself, "where was that second drop ship?" Valkyrie Two should have been here by now or at least communicated their approach. Of course long range radio transmissions were always uncertain due to the radiation.

He leaned forward in his seat and strained to search the sky. He could just make out the shadowy silhouette of a ship high above. "Was that coming or going? Was it friendly?”

"Status," he demanded over the platoon net.
Time seemed relevant again. He could hear now, but it was mostly just the ringing in his ears.

"Reaper Two, up."

"Two, hull at forty, weapons up." Iron Wolf two reported.

"Three, seventy, reloading."

At least their weapons were operational.

"Three, your on point, I'll support with what I've still got," that was
way of putting a positive spin on the fact that it was a miracle he was still in the fight. With his damaged drive system he would lag behind if they moved. "I've got limited legs, so we need to hammer the first thing we see."

Reaper Two jumped forward again, peeking around the structure's corner. He let loose with another salvo, at whatever he saw and then sprinted back toward the structure for cover as another volley of Spiral missiles launched from the other side. The deadly cluster of missiles swerved and then arced toward the Cossack. He came up against the side of the building as the missiles plummeted toward him. Most of them detonated against the roof's edge before the remaining few impacted on top of the Cossack.

The battered Iron Wolf squad limped closer to the structure between them and the enemy.

Reaper Two had survived the barrage and came across the platoon net with a distorted transmission. "Patton, with spirals and two Griffins. My jump system is down, reloading."

"Take the Patton first,"
responded  as they crept toward the corner. They seemed to be moving impossibly slow. They needed to put fire on that Patton and take its weapons out of the equation before it reloaded. It's ability to launch missiles from behind cover made it their most immediate threat. It's medium rated hull also made it easier to take out than the stout heavy Griffins.

The Griffins were another story, but hopefully they could catch them before they were fully operational. If they were fully powered up
Kuznetsov knew that the reality was, even one Griffin, with a decent crew should be able to eliminate his entire squad in the sorry condition they were currently in. "Where was their back up platoon?”

Iron Wolf Three approached the corner as
Kuznetsov counted in his head. There were only a few seconds left before they would have Spirals launched at them again.

The hollow thud of Iron Wolf Three's Thunder cannon sounded in unison with
as he counted down to the inevitable barrage.

"Two, thunk. One, thunk," the cannon drummed.

Kuznetsov said out loud as the third blast from Iron Wolf Three tore through the enemy Patton's fire suppression controls and triggered its auto ejector. A trail of exhaust from the systems propulsion traced through the sky and was visible from behind their scant shelter. Kuznetsov
glanced up at the lingering smoke, just in time to see a Griffin jump through it. It immediately disappeared over head as its jump system completed its burst and cut off. It would land right behind them.

"Behind us!"
bellowed over the net. He hoped others had seen the Griffin jump and might already be preparing to engage.

Vladimir brought their turret around as quickly as it would move. The battered Golem only had its Twin Punisher still operational, but it was better than nothing.
had seen crews lose all of their weapons systems before and have to make the tough call to punch out while their platoon was still struggling. It was that or put yourself in harms way to soak up bullets protecting your platoon mates.

"Why weren't they receiving fire yet?"
wondered. Perhaps the Griffin’s crew was struggling to acquire a target. The hill they had ascended was behind them. Sometimes an elevation change would interfere with the targeting system’s ability to lock, especially against multiple targets close together like Iron Wolf squad was.

As Vladimir brought the turret about Molot Fire erupted across the icy ruins. Three blue triangles appeared at the edge of Iron Wolf One’s HUD. Archangel Squad had touched down.

Archangel Squad was one of the colony's heavy squads composed entirely of Griffin ‘bots. They were usually used as support or secondary assaulters in conjunction with assault squads using medium ‘bots, like Iron Wolf. The Archangels were efficient and deadly with their Molots and made short work of the enemy Griffin who had still not been able to track a target when its hull had been ripped apart by the Archangels’ massed fire.

The squad of Griffins had engaged their target mid jump and now shattered the icy low ground  as they landed behind the tattered assault platoon. Their massive hulls sent chunks of ice and powdery snow into the air.
let out a deep breath. He suddenly felt exhausted.

The remaining enemy Griffin crew powered down and surrendered, along with the crews of several other ‘bots who had been in various stages of powering up. Some of the older reactor models made starting in a hurry impossible. The captured crews would be reasonably well treated. Most colonies would pay a steep price to recover skilled war ‘bot pilots. They were hard to replace because it took many months of experience before someone became efficient at operating the unwieldy war machines. If they weren't ransomed they could always be conscripted and forced to man the clans Destriers.
was sure that he and his pilots would be well rewarded after he saw the spoils from their assault. In the frozen warehouses and assembly bays they discovered a huge stockpile of weapons and ammunition. Even more incredibly, one warehouse contained two platoons worth of Rogatka medium assault ‘bots.

The Rogatka was a very versatile and hard to come by machine. Put into production by the Russian Empire shortly before Earth's nuclear holocaust they were arguably the most affective war ‘bot ever built. Between all of the colonies combined there were less than two hundred Rogatkas in service, New Kiev only had three and maintenance technicians had worked hard to keep them operational. Most clans reserved their treasured Rogatkas for special operations, but now with two entire platoons worth New Kiev had the advantage that it needed to unite the lunar colonies.

There was one unforeseen loss. Enemy scientists had wiped the memory of several computer systems in the assembly bays. When interrogated they admitted that the computers had  contained several schematics for weapons and ‘bots that were under development at this base but that had not ever been produced. Worse, the scientists confessed to having transmitted the schematic files to their superiors before deleting the data. New Kiev technicians took the computers to search for files, but
doubted it was worth the effort. "Besides," he thought, "what good was someone's two hundred year old idea?"

In less than twenty hours all of the captured weapons, war ‘bots and other equipment were loaded on recovery ships and barges and headed back to New Kiev. The battered Iron Wolf Golems were sent home on the first ship, but
had his crews stay back and man three captured Vityaz to provide security with the Archangels.

The Iron Wolves and Archangels crowded into the last barge to leave. The vessel, named Shrieker looked and sounded like it would disintegrate at any moment. Not that the pilots cared, they were used to everything falling apart around them. Today had been a good day. Tonight they would get drunk.

WWR Pre-History and Back Story

Folks here it is! Ive put it off for far to long. This constitutes my explanation for the existence of our beloved war machines. I have not given it as thorough of a review process as I would normally like to do, so there may be a few errors, but I wanted to get it out there for everyone to read. If you see anything glaringly out of place let me know and Ill make adjustments as needed. And as always! Let me know what you think in the comments!

In the year 226 Pre Desolation (PD) a third world war (WWIII) began, fought by our ancestors on Earth. It was fought primarily by three great nations and was the most devastating war Earth had ever seen. Unlike the preceding global conflicts of Earth WWIII, or The War of the Apocalypse as modern historians refer to it, was not fought by two opposing sides, but by three. The three nations of Russia, America, and Europe each fought the other two for supremacy in a conflict that could not be avoided anymore than it could be won.

Leading up to the war, declining American influence began to create a massive power vacuum in parts of the world that had long relied on American assurances of trade and military might for stability. A strengthened Russia intervened in these regions and the world began to turn to Russia for leadership. This shift in global leadership accelerated the decline of America and desperate American leaders worked to regain the influence that they had lost throughout the world. This quickly resulted in proxy wars between the two countries, largely centered in the Central Desert District, formerly known as the Middle East, where the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa meet.

A simultaneous conflict was brewing between the nations of Europe and Russia, however an even fiercer conflict raged within Europe itself. Almost half of the member nations of the European Union were facing bankruptcy. Most of these poorer nations favored trade and energy deals with Russia which was experiencing huge economic growth in part because of its involvement in stabilizing the energy rich Middle East. The wealthier European nations, particularly France and Germany, wanted to ensure progress toward a united Europe and viewed greater involvement with Russia as a threat to European unity and sovereignty. Ultimately this lead to a brief European civil war in which Germany asserted its dominance over the continent and formally established the European Union as one country. However during the war several eastern members of Europe appealed to Russia for help. The result was prolonged and open conflict between Europe and Russia over territory claimed by German Europe but held by separatist groups seeking admission to the Russian Federation.

The seeds of conflict between Europe and America were planted when the Americans began to re-assert themselves in world affairs. American programs to build foreign fighting groups who opposed Russia also strengthened militant organizations that worked actively against Europe. These differences came to a head during the European Civil War when America supported the secession of the United Kingdom from Europe. While Germany and France had quickly established control of the European continent the islands of the United Kingdom were not successfully secured, and backed by the American Navy fought a prolonged naval and air war with German Europe.

This three-way planetary conflict lasted until the year 186 PD. During the forty years of global warfare various nuclear weapons were employed with increasing frequency and devastating affects. The result was sporadic regions of radioactive wastelands. The population of earth began to drop drastically as famine and disease spread. Contaminated water sources poisoned entire cities and the birth rate of the planet dropped sharply from mankind’s constant exposure to nuclear material in the air. Finally the three super powers had exhausted themselves. In multiple incidents their own populations revolted. The war for global supremacy ended, with no victor but a sickened and dieing world.

Despite the ravaging of humanity and her home there was hope for recovery. The grand children of those who had begun WWIII signed a truce in 186 PD and by 177 PD had signed agreements that would forge the three beleaguered empires into one human government. The world had changed. It was apparent to all nations that in order to survive mankind must unite. The world united out of desperation, but as that unity grew a hope was born. Hope not just for survival but to flourish. Hope for not just earth, but for the stars. Together mankind would spread life and guarantee it’s future instead of jeopardizing it. The Union of Humanity was born.

As war often does the great conflict had produced massive advances in technology. Most famously, the war’bots developed during the war were more mobile and versatile, not to mention more lethal than conventional armored vehicles. War’bots had first been necessary as a means to control portions of the battlefield that were severely irradiated and could not be accessed by conventional forces. Such areas were often completely devastated and could not be traversed by wheel or track. For this hellish environment the walking war robots were first developed. Initially they had been remotely operated and some were even autonomous, however they proved too vulnerable to cyber attacks and were quickly replaced by ‘bots crewed by pilots.

It was the experience gained from designing these giant semi-autonomous machines coupled with advances in space technology and travel during the war that provided humanity its greatest hope of moving forward. The low to mid orbital transports and bombers of the war provided the prototypes needed for efficient spacecraft and furthered the goal of a human government that would span the solar system. Earth was poisoned, and if she survived it would be hundreds, perhaps thousands of years before mankind flourished on her surface again.

The newly formed Union of Man focused its resources on establishing a permanent human presence through out the inner solar system. By 165 PD massive robotic printing and construction systems had established Luna City, humanity’s new capitol and the first major settlement on Earth’s moon. Shortly following Luna City’s establishment Mars City, built in the same ever-expanding hexagonal pattern as Luna City, and Mercury City, the great subterranean colony and mine were permanently inhabited. While, both Luna and Mars were sufficiently plentiful in raw resources it was the mine on Mercury that produced the highest quantity of heavy and otherwise rare metals that provided Shipyards on Luna and Mars with sufficient materials.

Worsening radiation on Earth accelerated its inhabitant’s immigration to Luna City and as early as 162 PD the official census of Luna City exceeded 100,000 citizens. Another 100,000 inhabitants were estimated to be living in other settlements on Luna, Mars, and Mercury that same year.  By the year 159 PD there were in excess of one million citizens registered as living permanently off Earth. The radiological contamination of Earth continued to spread and district upon district was declared uninhabitable by Luna City’s Union Council. These uninhabitable districts were quarantined and emigration from them was prohibited to avoid genetic contamination. As an added precaution in 153 PD all refugees from Earth were subject to rigorous screening before being allowed to gain citizenship in the Union of Man. The government that had promised to save mankind now excluded most of humanities members.

The Union’s increasing restriction on emigration from Earth led directly to a burst of unauthorized Lunar, and Martian colonization. The Council of Man, in an effort to protect the genetic health and integrity of humanity, ordered the extermination of all non-citizens on Luna and Mars. The great cleansing of 140 PD serves as a reminder to us of the desperate struggle our ancestors faced to ensure our very existence today. The human will to survive was not limited to Union citizens though and many of the doomed inhabitants of Earth resorted to smuggling, piracy and any other unauthorized actions in an attempt to survive. To this day their descendants lurk in the darkest corners of the Solar system.

The rising threat of piracy lead to the considerable growth of humanity’s navy and the creation of the first two interplanetary space craft with the single designated purpose of warfare. The MK1 Battle Cruiser and MK1 Assault Cruiser provided the teeth to mankind’s navy that the older Expeditionary Cruiser and Transport Cruiser lacked. The pirates and other criminals, who generally relied on these older ships, were no match for true warships and quickly learned to avoid any regions of space patrolled by Union ships.

During the same period increasing desperation on Earth and the corresponding resolve of the Union’s Council resulted in open revolt by many districts on Earth. The residents on Earth believed that the Council had written them off and was abandoning them to the encroaching nuclear devastation. The aged war’bot forces of the third world war returned to service under many various revolting factions on Earth as well as for the council’s security forces, who used them to crush the uprisings. This period of conflict also saw the first war’bot design to be produced on Luna without ever having been produced on Earth. The Golem became the primary war’bot for Union Security Forces and is the most widely used, by most Lunar clans to this day.

Despite the severity with which the Earth insurgencies and pirates were dealt with the Unions Council worked tirelessly to make room for authorized immigrants to Luna and Mars. The construction processes that had first been used to print Luna City had been steadily improved on and work had not stopped to build one city after another to which immigrants could relocate and become productive citizens. Many of the cities were created as destinations for immigrants from specific Earth districts. London, Kiev, Beijing, Washington, Rio, Rome, Sydney, Frankfurt, Cairo, and many others were quickly filled even as more cities were built.

When off Earth colonization had first begun, only those who were the best in their field had been permitted to settle. Engineers, and skilled tradesman contributed greatly to the early success of the cities. However, as the flow of immigrants increased their skill decreased. The resulting flood of impoverished refugees from Earth brought with it the immortal problems of humanity. The Union of Humanity Council created a provision for its poorer members, but the ever-growing needs of the poor quickly surpassed what the government could produce.

Because over seventy percent of the burdensome refugees from Earth were permanently settled on Luna the Council established a tax system for the colonial cities of Mars and Mercury in 107 PD. Up until this point each of the cities, regardless of location, had been under the direct authority of the council on Luna. In response to increasing demand for taxes, largely in the form of raw materials and food, the cities of Mars created the Council of Mars and demanded equal representation in the Union government. The Union of Humanity Council, based in Luna City, was almost entirely comprised of its own residents and refused to allow any change to its membership. The Union Council declared the Council of Mars illegal, and issued arrest warrants for its members. In alarmed response the citizens of Mercury refused to comply with the new taxes and also refused to export any goods to Luna. After only seventy years of unity, and many grand achievements, Humanity had returned to its natural state of chaos.

By the end of the year 107 PD a fleet of Union cruisers had arrived in Mercury’s orbit to enforce compliance and ensure that the export of Mercurial ores resumed. Although, the force was small, consisting of only twenty-eight cruisers, eight of which were transports, it was considerably powerful compared to the approximately fifty modified MK1 Transport Cruisers that Mercury had assembled for defense. After a Union vessel easily destroyed one Mercurial Cruiser the other transports quickly fled and Martial law was implemented on Mercury.

Dissent within the Union Navy lead to the desertion of sixty-seven cruisers and their crews who abandoned Luna and went into service for the Council of Mars, significantly increasing its navy’s strength. These included three Battle Cruisers, and fourteen Expeditionary Cruisers. Another thirteen Cruisers of various types were recorded as missing, and were presumed to have deserted, but their whereabouts were never determined.

With over a third of its Navy missing, and a significant portion of its remaining force securing Mercury, the Union Council was unable to immediately respond to what it now called the Mars’ separatists the way it had to Mercury’s petulance. A military stand off ensued.

Without easy access to water from Earth’s oceans Mar’s established ice mines on the dwarf planet Ceres. However, the Union Council sought to pressure Mars into compliance and deployed Cruisers in an attempt to intercept Martian ice transports. These heavy patrols near Ceres, the military occupation of Mercury, and responding to the sharp increase in Piracy, that resulted from the political instability, began to stretch the Union Navy’s resources thin. Although new Cruisers were still produced in Luna’s orbital shipyard, they were produced just as rapidly by Mars and in Independence Year (IY) 0 the Council of Mars formally declared its independents from Luna.

Feigning a large-scale attack that appeared to target the primary orbital shipyards of Luna the Mars Navy lured the bulk of Union Navy Cruisers away from their normally close defensive orbit of Earth’s moon. Once Luna was vulnerable a small detachment of fast Assault Cruisers escorted the drone ship Phoenix of Mars to Luna City where after discharging its ordinance, it rammed into the capitol city, destroying the government district and killing all five hundred Union Councilors, who were in an emergency session because of the perceived attack on their shipyard.

The fleet from Mars, outnumbered, broke of their approach and returned home. They left Earth’s moon in Chaos. Luna City was a smoking ruin with tens of thousands dead. The fifty-seven cities of Luna had no government. The Union Navy had no command. Each of its senior officers had answered directly to the council leaving no clear leader. Worse, most cruisers had been crewed entirely from one city at a time, and an immediate divide opened within the fleet. A simultaneous power struggle within the Navy and between the Lunar cities quickly lead to the Cruiser Commanders moving to support their home cities against political rivals or to protect them after being threatened.

When the news of what had happened on Luna reached the blockading cruisers at Mercury a quick thinking Battle Cruiser Commander, named Sterling, declared himself in command of the Mercury detachment and threatened to destroy any cruiser trying to leave. The Cruisers at Mercury had been a relatively small force but had suddenly become the second largest Navy in the Solar System. Sterling later declared himself Marshal of Mercury and eventually established what is now the Protectorate of Mercury. Possibly the wealthiest of mankind’s Solar realms, the Protectorate is the largest trade center for the independent Lunar cities as well as the Confederacy of Mars, countless pirates, smugglers, and thousands of other men and women who live on illusive cruisers, decaying colonies or cobbled together stations throughout the Solar system.

Far from Mercury, Mars dissolved its planetary council after toppling the Union government but maintains a loose and often quarrelsome confederacy. The Mars fleet, although the largest unified navy in the Solar System has never mounted a significant attack against Luna since the destruction of Luna City. To do so would risk uniting the lunar cities again and there is little to gain from such an attack. Instead, the Mars fleet has worked increasingly independently, with Cruiser Commanders assuming ownership of their ships and soliciting investors for salvage expeditions to Earth, trade runs, or selling protection of a valuable shipment. Piracy is a major problem throughout the Solar system and Mars investors are always happy to buy a share in a newly captured cruiser.

Contrastingly, on Luna, most of the cruisers operated from its ports are owned by one of the cities. These Cruisers serve as deterrents to rival cities and pirates projecting power and protecting trade with Mercury for their home city. Without the massive bureaucracy of the Union of Humanity and its council virtually all resettlement from Earth was halted. Those few who managed to escape Earth after the Union collapse had no home among humanity and their descendants live as ghosts, both shunned and feared by the rest of mankind.

The great shipyards of Luna and Mars, now operated by guilds, mainly upgrade and refit the old cruisers of our ancestors. Rarely, and at great expense, does a city or investor commission a new ship to be built. The Union of Humanity was only a blossoming flower, doomed to whither and rot, a lie, to good to be true. The Earth is silent, hanging in the blackness of space. The foolishness of ascendancy and enlightenment has been laid low by the reality of humanities nature. It is a dark age.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The purpose of this blog is to share a back story and adventures for Walking War Robots as I write them. The game, if you are familiar with it, does not have any back story or explanation on its own. I've taken it upon myself to develop a universe that explains the metal grinding matches of WWR. I will repost the first story I already published on my other blog after I have shared my officially unofficial pre-history here. Thanks for visiting, please leave any feedback or suggestions you have. I always love reading reactions and comments.